A serene setting gets Deltona artist featured for April
Lynn Carlson was named Deltona Art Club’s Featured Artist for April. Her acrylic painting, “Serenity,” now hangs in the foyer of Deltona City Hall, 2345 Providence Blvd.
Lynn Carlson was named Deltona Art Club’s Featured Artist for April. Her acrylic painting, “Serenity,” now hangs in the foyer of Deltona City Hall, 2345 Providence Blvd.
The Deltona Art Club has named artist Lynn Carlson as April’s Featured Artist.
In honor, her acrylic painting, “Serenity,” now hangs in the foyer of Deltona City Hall, 2345 Providence Blvd.
With soothing blues and greens and with a fawn drinking from a stream, it is a serene image.
Ms. Carlson enjoys painting in acrylics and particularly likes to work on landscapes and portraits. She did not begin to paint until she was 51 and it is a constant learning experience, she said.
“As with many people, life, work, family often take priority over taking time to express yourself through art. Everyone has talent,” Ms. Carlson said. “Maybe painting isn’t your niche, but there are so many possible artistic outlets to explore. Everyone needs to express themselves, how they feel or what they observe. They just really need encouragement to find their own outlet. I do that with my children and grandchildren.”
She has been a member of the Deltona Art Club, off and on, as she describes it, for years.
“It is such a special group of people” she said.
The Deltona Art Club was founded in 1968 and is one of the oldest continuing clubs in the central Florida. Area artists working in any medium are welcome to join the club, which meets at 9:30 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month September through May at Deltona Regional Library, 2150 Eustace Ave. The public is welcome.
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