
From Chaos to Victory: Noreen N. Henry’s Journey to Empowering Lives through Victorious Living

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Noreen N. Henry is a Victorious Living Strategist known for her knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, along with delivering instant results. One of her passions is seeing lives transformed from defeat to victory. Noreen has faced many trials and tribulations in her life and has learned the tools to be victorious and overcome her circumstances. She has discovered that she can have joy, happiness, and peace amidst chaos while working through her issues. As a result, Noreen founded Victorious Living Culture, where products and services have helped countless people turn their situations into victory. She is a multiple #1 international best-seller, the creator of the Stuck Is NOT Your Story book collaboration series, the Victorious Living Experience conference, and will soon host her own TV talk show. Noreen has three children and five grandchildren (for now). She resides in NYC. Visit her here: www.NoreenNHenry.com / www.StartYourVictoriousLife.com.

What inspired you to become a Victorious Living Strategist, and how did your personal experiences shape this journey?

I was led to become a Victorious Living Strategist by my Divine Creator, based on my life experiences. Like many of us, I experienced numerous trials and tribulations that could have kept me stuck, but I learned the tools to be victorious and overcome my circumstances. I realized I could have joy, happiness, and peace while working through my issues to victory. It all began when I left an emotionally abusive relationship and started buying books and tapes on emotional healing. This was the beginning of my journey to victory. It became my passion to help women learn the tools to live victoriously, tools I didn’t have when I was going through all those issues.

Can you share a particular story or example where your strategies led to a significant transformation in someone’s life?

Where do I start? 🙂 There are so many stories of people’s lives being transformed after learning the tools from Victorious Living Culture’s products and services. One particular story involved a woman realizing that her perceived obstacles didn’t exist and that most of her excuses for inaction were rooted in fear. She is now putting in the work to live the life she has been dreaming of. Victorious Living Culture’s resources have helped her see that she must choose to live her dreams.

What motivated you to create Stuck Is NOT Your Story, and how has it impacted the lives of those who have read it?

Creating the Stuck Is NOT Your Story brand is another program I was inspired to develop by my Divine Creator. Many are stuck in mediocrity, brokenness, and depression, and don’t even realize it. I was once there, thinking I was fine when I was not. The Stuck Is NOT Your Story brand, now a global movement, encourages, inspires, and imparts knowledge and wisdom to its readers. The authors’ courageous and vulnerable stories help readers know they are not alone and that they too can change their circumstances—they don’t need to stay stuck. The word “stuck” itself is powerful, and many are drawn to it. When they read the powerful stories, their lives are greatly impacted in positive ways, realizing that lasting change is possible because Stuck Is NOT Your Story, and Victorious Living, It’s Possible.

Could you explain the key principles behind Victorious Living Culture and how they help individuals turn their situations into victories?

The key principles behind Victorious Living Culture are primarily based on a spiritual life to create victorious habits. The first principle is becoming aware of whether you are living victoriously or not. From my experiences and conversations with many people, so many are living beneath victory and don’t even know it. The second principle is gaining the right knowledge. There’s a lot of knowledge out there, but it’s not all right. The third principle is applying the right knowledge to your life. Gaining the right knowledge but not using it won’t help you live a victorious life; we have to put what we learn into practice. A fourth principle of Victorious Living Culture is wisdom. We make choices daily in our lives, and we must learn to make sure we are making wise decisions that will keep us on the victorious living path. Another principle is doing something different. If we don’t do something different, nothing changes; it either stays the same or gets worse, and I speak from experience. Following these basic principles helps us overcome our circumstances and live a life of victory.

What can attendees expect from the Victorious Living Experience conference, and how does it differ from other self-help events?

The Victorious Living Experience conference was designed to keep attendees engaged, entertained, and enlightened—all while having fun. Participants get to hear powerful speakers, engage in workshops, participate in raffles, and shop with our vendors. Some of the topics we address include awareness of victorious living, what gaining the right knowledge does for them, how to analyze their life, foundational keys to victorious living, and ways to obtain the life God has planned for them, plus more.

How do you balance your professional commitments, such as writing multiple best-sellers and hosting a TV talk show, with your personal life in NYC?

Umm, good question :). How do I balance it all? Like many of us, I have a lot going on, even more so now that I’m walking in my purpose. There was a time, just a few years ago, when I was working long hours every day and ended up in the hospital, so ill because I wasn’t balancing my time. Since that time, which I call a Reset, I plan my time much better. I set priorities, organize and plan my days, weeks, and months, and schedule everything on a calendar, including setting hourly goals. This helps me avoid overwhelm and complete tasks faster. I also have SOPs set up that eliminate repeated tasks, and now that I have a success plan schedule, my balance of time with my commitments, writing projects, etc., has improved even more. Overall, I take things one day at a time and enjoy my life as well.

Looking ahead, what are your goals for the future of Victorious Living Culture and your upcoming TV talk show?

Recently, things have changed drastically for me, as I’m no longer working at a job. I will now walk in my purpose, and Victorious Living Culture has my full focus. I am excited about the impact Victorious Living Culture’s encounter will have on women to live victoriously with the products, tools, and services we offer. More books and programs will be created to enhance VLC’s offerings to make the impact needed for a global positive shift. Along with the upcoming TV talk show’s teachings and guests, we’ll help people know that they too can live the life of their dreams while overcoming their circumstances to victory. Great times and changes are ahead for Victorious Living Culture.

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